On the way to work this morning I saw two lovely deer just standing by the side of the lane. They were so pretty. Then, best of all I saw some 'new laid lambs' in a field with their mums. They were all snowy and sparkly white, so adorable. I never tire of all the wildlife around me, I see something different today.
I had a new client today, and we had a really good chinwag about moving to France. She was telling about someone she knew who was moving back to the UK as she wasn't enjoying life here. Apparently she has given the following reasons: 1. It's too green. 2. They don't like all the cows and 3. Everyone speaks French. Isn't that hilarious!! How bizarre that everyone in France speaks French, and surely there are cows in the UK?!
Misty is still looking for a man, or rather a tom-cat. She woke up at 4am yelling the house down, but after an hour or so of trying to calm her down, I gave her an early breakfast and she eventually went back to sleep, until my alarm woke us up at 7.30. She has just woken up now from a nice afternoon snooze and is yowling again. Poor little thing, I wish I could do something to calm her. At least of Wednesday it will be all over for her.
Thursday, 31 January 2008
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The perils of not getting a window seat on the plane and buying your house before the red wine wears off.
Who'd of thought they'd speak French in France though and that there would be lots of green stuff and farm animals in one of the least populated areas.
New laid lambs! It seems too early - is it really nearly spring there. That makes me so jealous as we are in for another snow storm tomorrow, they are promising us 15-20cm of the stuff to shovel. Enjoy and think of me!
Also the reasons that lady gave for leaving France are exactly what I want to come for!
Hi Breezy, my thoughts exactly!
Hi SITH, they were the reasons we wanted to come here. Although we lived in the Berkshire countryside in the UK, we wanted to be really rural (try saying that after a few glasses of wine!)
Spring is round the corner, all my snow drops and crocuses are in flower, and the daffs are in bud. We are still forecast to have snow during the next week though.
Small world, where in Berkshire did you come from, we used to live in Wokingham when we were there!
Hi SITH, very small world indeed. We lived in Pangbourne, just west of Reading, OH was born and bred there. And for 10 years prior to moving to France I worked in a hair salon in Wokingham. I really don't miss the trek along the M4 every morning, it was getting busier each day!
Good grief - she better not move to Alberta! There might be more cows than people here.
How funny having all these people from Berkshire. We used to live in Sandhurst for about 17 years. Small world indeed.
We love France, can't understand the lady wanting to go back.
Hi there, I'm just wondering what she's going back to if her complaint is that it's too green! Must be mad.
For heaven's sake! How can it actually be too green? She need to come to western America where it's deadly brown during the winter and crispy brown during the drought ridden summer. Not a word of French here, although the cows could be a bit of a problem.
OK this is getting scary, my dog Ralph was born in Pangbourne, I used the salon kind of across from The Crispin - it wasn't that one was it? Also Living the Dream, we lived in Little Sandhurst from 1982 to 1985 and then lived on Wellington Road in Sandhurst from 1985 to 1987.
Small world indeed. We lived in North Ascot. I worked with Mars in Winnersh and Yellow Pages in Reading.
I hit a deer with the car coming home off shift last night, 8:30. Two of them bounded over the hedge and the front one went straight into me. No damage to the car and no deer to be seen, so I hope it wasn't badly hurt. If I'd injured it I'd have put it down quickly (always hve a knife handy) and had it in the boot. But no one likes the thought of an injured animal.
I read you can buy "howlers" to fi on you car. Wind driven, they make a high pitch noise that scares off animals. You'll never hit another animal but you'll also never see any. That deer was the first I've ever hit, but I've seen so much wildlife while driving, I'd hate to miss that.
I wonder if a "howler" would freak out the sheep and cattle?
Hi Aims, it sounds wonderful. Sometimes there are days when I don't want to see a soul!
Hi Expat mum, I think she would prefer to live on a housing estate somewhere, you know, one of these modern 'legoland' types, not in the countryside.
Hi Wooly, I know. I am baffled as well. We get crispy summers here as well, although not last year!
Hi SITH, How spooky is that! As for the salon I worked on Beanoak Road, just on the edge of Wokingham. We also had a salon on Peach Street nr Woolies!
Hi Stew, glad that you are ok after the collision, and like you, hope that the deer was ok. I have never hit anything (touch-wood). I haven't heard of those 'howlers', but I would really miss seeing all the wildlife.
softinthehead, how very strange, we were living in Albion road until 1992, so we were neighbours. Our children went to Uplands School and Sandhurst School.
So how is little Misty?
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