Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Oh no! A hormonal kitten!!

Oh Oh! For the last 2 weeks, I have been meaning to phone the vet to book Misty in to be spayed. Now it is urgent as she came into season today!

Picture a poor little kitten, rolling over the floor, rubbing herself over every bit of furniture with her bum in the air, all the time chattering away and yowling!

The vets can't take her until next Wednesday even though I said it was 'tres urgent'. We have made the decision to keep her in the house with a litter tray until then. She has 'made friends' with the ginger tom from down the road, and we don't want her roaming for a 'good time', she is far too young for all that hanky panky, and he won't respect her in the morning!!


Anonymous said...

Tell the vet she always walks like that

A Mother's Place is in the Wrong said...

Oh poor little Misty - she's so young to be learning the facts of life. Ouch! Margot x

Debra in France said...

Hi Lazlo, OH keeps telling her that she needs to find a taller boyfriend 'cos she is scraping her bum along the floor at the moment!

Hi Mothers place, She looks so sorry for herself. She has had a good sleep this afternoon and has just woken up. When I pick her up she goes totally rigid and yowls loudly. My poor little baby.

aims said...

Poor sweetie - I use to feel like that...

Debra in France said...

Hi Aims, luckily I have never experienced that. :-)