Not that I have been doing anything wildly exciting or anything that would stop me writing, I just don't seem to have done anything to write about.
At last though the weather has really picked up and I have been able to get to work in the garden. The temperatures have been in the high 20's for a couple of weeks now, frosts are a distant memory and the evenings are getting longer and longer.
This is a lovely picture of Gertie Goose strolling by the aforesaid magnolia.
I have bought some new plants for the flower beds - a Pieris 'Flaming Silver' with lovely white tipped foliage, and a couple of Phygelius, which will grow nice and tall with pinky/red flowers.
I have some pale blue irises in the flower bed under the living room window. They are beautifully scented, almost citrussy smelling. They are in full bloom at the moment and I must make a note to move some of them elsewhere in the garden.
The newest addition to the garden is this wonderful, old Cuisiniere. It was given to us by Penny, who had it in her shop in Le Dorat. It is a real work of art.
When this was made it would have been state of the art and top of the range in kitchen appliances. Ian and I were talking about it earlier and about 100 years ago someone would have been cooking on this thinking she was the bee's knees to have such a wonderful piece of equipment. I am over the moon to have it now, and had I lived in those older times I would have been truly ecstatic to have this. Thank you Penny, we are thrilled to have it, and we would love to try lighting it in the summer, fancy coming round for a ceremonial 'lighting up' evening?
I have been busy working in the vegetable garden, or Potager as the French call it. I planted borad beans in February and they are about to flower any day now. I planted 100 leeks seedlings last weekend, some cherry toms, peppers, plum toms and a variety of round toms called 'Moneymaker' given to us by Juley and Paul. I have sown carrots seeds in between leek rows, and planted basil and parsley between the tomatoes. I must get out there and get my peas planted.
All the cats and geese are doing well. Sadly we lost one of our chooks this week. Her name was Blondie and she had a problem with her foot called Bumblefoot. It caused a nasty infection that caused her to go lame in one leg so she could only hop around the garden. The geese attacked her as did a couple of the chickens. She was barely eating and sadly died a couple of evenings ago. It was heartbreaking to lose her, she had such a lovely personality, but we console ourselves by saying that she had a wonderful life before she got ill, she was completely free in the garden and had a lovely warm house at night.
Glad to hear that you are OK but have just been busy. It did seem a long time & I wondered about you.
That cuisiniere is definitely something to die for! I love it.
Sorry to hear about poor little hen dying of such a horrid thing. Aren't animals cruel to each other?
Your plants are looking good.
Good to hear from you again Debra - sounds like you have been busy and soon will be harvesting the results :)
I'm afraid if you leave the Rosieres stove out in the garden it will be ruined as cast iron rusts really easily! Not sure you'd be able to use it at all if it all rusts up! Anyway, it looks great.
How lovely to have you back again. I tried to call last week but there was no reply. Catch up soon.
Nice to see you back. I was wondering where you'd got to. VLiF
Nice to hear from you all, sorry I have been away so long. I love the cuisiniere, it is just so lovely.
Looking forward to catching up with your blogs soon. Debra xx
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