She organised the book club to broaden her reading material and to meet other people. Eleve
The books are being chosen by group members and books have been selected for the next two months. I am trying to decided which book to choose when it comes to my turn. At the moment I am torn between The Hunt for Red October by Tom Clancy (OH thinks it might be too long a book to read in a month) or the aforementioned Lance Armstrong book.
The group is being held at a great cafe/gift shop in Le Dorat called La Maison Bleue. It does wonderful lunches and afternoons teas and has a fabulous selection of gifts to buy. I love being in there, it has a warm atmosphere and is very comfortable to be in, of course I always find a little something to buy after my lunch!
The picture in todays blog entry is this mornings sunrise.
Interesting how different book clubs are organised. I like the idea of meeting in a lovely café! I've just started going to a French library's new Comité de Lecture, and also belong to a postal book group for English books. Good luck with yours!
Gosh that was quick! It was great to meet new people and a couple live fairly close to me as well. What does the Comité de Lecture do?
Thanks for the comment - like you I still love it warts and all. So very definitely a glass raised to the future here.
Who knows I might make it up your way sometime as it would be lovely to meet - although a bit worried because I met Debs and she returned to Blighty!!! :-D
I find I don't have much time for reading only just squeezing in time for practical books so the nearest thing I get to a book club is Play dot com sales. I've another Terry Pratchett on the way (rebuilding my collection) plus a copy of a wartime book on feeding rabbits and poultry on scraps.
Also sorry to hear Breezy has stayed in the UK, I thought she'd not blogged for ages.
Deborah x
Beautiful sunrise!
isn't it strange how one person can LOVE a book that another hates! I can only suggest to go with what ever inspires you! That seems fair.
I am always reading something or other. I like a book that has me enthralled........ something that I just can't put down. They are terrible time wasters, books, but I don't really care!
Lovely idea the book club.
Hi Deborah, it would be great to meet up. I haven't explored your part of France at all, actually I haven't explored France at all. We got stuck into renovating then working for a living. I havent' read here as much as I used to in the UK, I think it's because there are few bookshops that stock english books. Having said that, my friend Maggie who is moving here next week has been buying books like no tomorrow from charity shops - last count she had 250!!!!
It is a real shame that Breezy and her husband has moved back to the UK. They are such a great couple, we really miss them.
Hi Maggie, it is amazing isn't it? I thought that everyone would feel the same about the Lance Armstrong book. I am looking forward to trying some books I have never heard of, but if I am not grabbed by the story in the first chapter it will be hard going trying to read the whole book.
Hi Debra in France,
Came across your blog via SITH. I moved to France from the UK, am Capricorn, and was born in the year of the dragon apparently - not the rabbit - but I do have three bunnies, a dog, a cockerel (who is amazingly affectionate I can see why you like hugging chickens) and three horses! Enjoyed what I've read on your blog and will keep on dropping by. The blook club sounds really interesting - great idea!
As you asked -
debra, are you the only expat in the club or is it, perhaps, an expat's club. You know what's coming next, don't you, "Are the books written in French or English, or mixed?" x
The Bridges of Madison County is brilliant. I have read it three times!
You'll love it.
Great way to make friends joining a book club. And you read books you wouldn't bormally be attracted to.
Sorry to hear Breezy returned home. No wonder you miss her and the TS.
All the best.
It's been lovely catching up with you after so long - what a wonderful Christmas and New Year you had. That New Year's Party sounded just great. We haven't had any snow as yet, but a lot of hard frost and it has been very, very cold. Hope your new hens are laying now. M xx
PS. I can never get to grips with Book Clubs, though yours sounds very good - particularly the cosy cafe!
PPS. Happy New Year to you all.
Hi Billy, it is not an strictly an expat group, but the 11 women are all English. I would imagine the books would al be in English, I don't know what level everyone's French is.
Hi Penny, I have enjoyed what I have read so far, I didn't read any last night, my head was a bit fuddle after that champagne. I did manage to do some knitting though!
Hi MOB, that is exactly the reason I joined. I think I am a bit stuck in rut with the books I read.
Hi Mothers Place, Some of the new hens are laying, the 3 brown ones are still a bit young. Yesterday we both had a double yolker each and last week one of them produced 2 triple yolk eggs!
A belated happy birthday
glad you had a lovely day out with penny
sounds like a real nice girly day
I love reading il join in your book club from the virtual world of blogging.
im going to go out and get the first book tomorrow
Hi Andrea,
thank you for the birthday wishes, we had a great day in Limoges.
Good idea to job the book club from afar! The next meeting is 9th Feb, and the book we are reading after that is Birdsong by Sebastian Faulks. I have never heard of him or his book and no idea what it is about.
Could be tempted by the book club - to meet new people and make me read a book now that I have the time. We do have a Farm Women's Club - we meet on the first Monday of each month, next month is 2nd February with a farm visit.
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