Monday, 7 April 2008

Help please!

I've been given a 'good chat' blog award by Mean Mom, and I can't remember how to put it onto my blog - DOH! Can anyone help please?


softinthehead said...

Hi Debra - I got that award too - :) What I did (which doesn't mean it is the correct way !!) I right clicked on the award and saved target as in my docs or desktop or whatever. Then when I was in my blog I clicked on customize in the top right corner and added it as a new element (picture) by browsing for it. If you look at my blog you can see where I have it. Good luck, hopefully someone with post the correct way !!

Mignon said...

So funny I had this same question.
Thanks softinthehead,it worked.

Debra in France said...

Hi SITH, thank you, will give it a go.