Sunday, 11 November 2007

Remembrance Day
'Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn, at the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them'.

The 2 minute silence at 11am always makes me tearful. We have always respected it, right from when we were children. I can remember saying to my dad when I was a child, 'the war was a horrible thing, why can't we just forget it? He told me that it was for exactly that reason that we must never forget it, to never forget what those brave men and women did for generations yet unborn. In order to give us the life of freedom and prosperity we now have, they were prepared to give their lives. I find the subject incredibly emotional and my tears are blurring the keyboard, so please excuse any dodgy spelling. My aunt in Letchworth had the honour today of laying a poppy wreath for the Royal British Legion and my thoughts were with her as well. She is an emotional soul as well, and I wondered how she would keep the tears at bay.

On a lighter note there was a fete today in a nearby village, and I went along with my OH and Breezy from breezybreakblog. We got there while it was still lunchtime, (so no French families out and about) and we felt like we were running the gauntlet of stallholders!!! There were some very nice crafts and some very twee stuff, and some stuff OH said 'you can't possibly like that!' I think he was surprised that I didn't buy anything, (so was I) but there is a Christmas fete on in Le Dorat on the 2nd of December and there may be a bigger choice of tat, I mean crafts!

OH and I had a nice walk in the woods collecting chestnuts when we got home, delicious.


menopausaloldbag (MOB) said...

I am commenting on all your posts because I missed them of late and it is a delight to see you posting so much. I love the whole tatness of Christmas markets. I love Christmas so much and I particularly love Christmas eve - the best night of the year. Your post got me quite excited about it all and I'm off dreaming about what I will cook this year.

Hope your festive break is a good one.

Debra in France said...

Hi MOB, I love tat. Long Live Tat. It never ceases to amaze my husband that when he picks up something he thinks is truly vile, I often say that I like it.