On Soft in the Head's blog, she wrote about things she was addicted to and said that she would be interested in hearing about what others are addicted to. Well, here goes:
1. Misty. It may seem strange that I am addicted to my kitten, but she is so adorable and having rescued her when she was so ill and so tiny, I absolutely adore her. I love the fact that she sleeps next to me at night and that I can cuddle her like a baby while watching tv in front of a log fire; mind you, it sends us both to sleep. I love the fact that when we have been out all day she runs up to us with her tail arched over her back quivering in excitement at seeing us. I can't imagine being without her.
2. Cheese. Living in France it is very easy to be addicted to cheese. The cheese stalls at the markets and the cheese counters in the supermarkets look so wonderful it is easy to get carried away. I love goats cheese most of all. I don't mind whether it is chalky in texture or creamy, hot or cold, it is divine. Last time my friend Maggie was over here, we went shopping and I bought a goats cheese covered in snipped chives. I had a little taste when I got home, and within five minutes the whole thing had vanished!! The other most favourite of cheeses is good old mature Cheddar. When you want cheese on toast or cheese topping on something else nothing can beat Cheddar.
3. Bread and Potatoes. Is my Irish ancestry showing here? How can people give these up? A hot, floury jacket potato with butter and grated cheese, divine. Crispy roast potatoes or spicy potato wedges both with garlic mayo, help! I am making myself hungry!
4. Making things. I have recently learned to crochet and have also taken up knitting again after many years. I am really enjoying both of them. I now look for wool whenever I go shopping, but before I buy too much, I need to find some patterns. My friend Maggie who is moving to France this coming weekend has got some material for me to make a new dressing gown with. I can't wait to start it. I have got a super sewing machine that OH gave me for christmas a few years ago, and have got my mums super all singing, all dancing machine that I have yet to try out. I keep threatening to crochet him some underpants, but he is not too keen!
5. Eating and cooking. I love food. I love good home cooked food, not out of a tin stuff or ready meals. I love people coming round for a meal. I love to spend time planning it, preparing it and eating it!!! My favourite foods are Mexican and Indian. I love making several different dishes that you can help yourself to. One of my food addictions at the moment is kiwi fruit. Last new year I made a resolution to eat some fruit every day. I chose kiwi fruit as they have more vitamin C than oranges and are easy to eat. I have 2 every day with my breakfast and it has become part of my daily routing. So much so, that if I don't have fruit in the morning I don't feel right.
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Debra - great to know more about you. I am very envious of your friend Maggie moving to France so soon. Wish her well from us, is she going to be living close by?
Hi SITH, Maggie and her husband Al are moving to Bussiere Poitevine, which is about 20 mins north-east of Bellac. We met about 18 months ago when I went to do her hair and we just clicked. We email everyday, sometimes twice and hae got lots of 'crafty' afternoons planned. Maggie can do alsorts of things and can make absolutely anything. I cant wait til they get here.
They are all lovely things to get addicted to. Didn't you miss out blogging?
That is what I am truly addicted to.
I came over to comment yesterday, but got interrupted, so I'm determined to say something today:
It sounds like you had an ideal Christmas and New Year. I was recovering from flu, so mine could have been better, but I got through it without missing anything.
You have lovely snow photos. We've had a little bit of snow and it was minus 7 degrees, here, this morning! Bit of a shock to the system.
I can understand all of your addictions. I am addicted to tea. I, too, love cheese and can't manage without my daily kiwi!
Happy New Year!
Debra, yeah, yeah, you love your animals, so tell us something new. Like, for instance, about your alter ego, and what life was like hanging out with rock bands? Hey, why not? x
Hi there
Thanks for visiting and your help with this knitting lark lol.
I have been in haute vienne, Bellac is beautiful havent yet made it to the town of Limoges hopefully i will soon.
Pearly queens a great knitter i love her blog.
Ill be following your blog too its great to find blogs in france esp near our area
Hi debra
thanks for your comments
belfast is quie nice i agree but once you get out into the antrim coast its even nicer .
Ill take a wee trip out in the summer and take some photos for you to see im a bit addicted to blogging now so always have camera with me
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