Thursday, 14 February 2008

The blogging equivalent of an Oscar!

I have been awarded two awards this week! I am so touched the any one actually reads my blog, let alone think of me when giving out awards.

Well, who to send them on to......?

Well, first and foremost I have to award them to Breezy. It was thanks to her that I got into blogging in the first place. She and TS are brilliant neighbours and we are so glad that we know them.

Then in no particular order:
Wooly Works
Soft in the Head
A Mothers Place is in the wrong
Big Blue Barn West
Menopausal Old Bag
Stinking Billy
Farming Frenchstyle
Arnold the Methodical


Wooly Works said...

Oh Debra, thank you for you kind words and the awards. I shall display them on my wall of fame--it's pretty empty, actually, but I'm grateful all the same.

aims said...

Thanks Debra - I am always humbled by an award..thank you for thinking of me.

softinthehead said...

Debra thanks so much, I'm overwhelmed. As usual don't hold your breath while I remember how to upload.

Living the Dream said...

Well done for winning the award, you deserve it. I always read your blog and thoroughly enjoy it. I hope Misty is making good progress, I expect she is jumping about and has forgotten all about the op. by now. Both my girls are really enjoying blogging as well and I love having them here "inside" my laptop. They are close to me here. Thanks for sending me the info on how to start this enjoyable past time.
Hazel xxxx

A Mother's Place is in the Wrong said...

Thank you, Debra, very kind and thoughtful of you. I'll try to be worth it! M xx

Stew said...

You are too kind. Merci buckets.

Breezy said...

I'd like to thank the Academy . . . sorry got caried away for a minute there! Cheers me dear I shall display them proudly

Debra in France said...

Hi everyone, just to say how much I enjoy reading all your blogs. Having a glimpse into other peoples loves is a real priviledge. Your awards are all well deserved. :-) xx

menopausaloldbag (MOB) said...

Well done on your award and shesh thanks for giving me one too! Your blog is great and I am glad that I've been able to catch up again lately.

Jeeze, having all that manure around it must be like a debate in the hose of commons!

Misty sounds like a wee darling.