We had moved their chickens and coup down to our garden yesterday afternoon, and, as they are heading off on Tuesday morning, thought it would be good to have some drinks and nibbles in the evening.
It was a good laugh, as usual we put the world to rights, discussed everything that could b
After a while OH put a programme we had recorded about the music from the 1970's. Being of a similar age we all remembered it fondly. As each artist came on screen their were cries of 'oh I loved them/him', or 'oh no, I hated them/him'. Well all was going well, when David Essex came on screen and Breezy and I said that we liked him, OH and TS said 'yuk' or words to that effect, and I said 'well you wouldn't kick him out of bed, would you', mainly to Breezy to be honest/ Well the 2 blokes disagreed vehemently, and went into vivid discriptions of what they would do and how they would react if the aforementioned man was sneaking up behind them 'tool in hand' so to speak!!!!!!!!! Breezy and I wouldn't have minded.
Of course, any programme on the 70's music scene in England it not complete without Top of the Pops and TS's favourite Pans People. Now for those of you that don't know, Top of the Pops was compulsive viewing in the 70's as it showed all the major bands of the time. One song each week was danced to by an all girls dance group called Pans People. Tall, leggy girls in sometimes skimpu, sometimes bizzare outfits dancing strange dance routines. TS came out with a wonderful comment to the effect of 'actually, when you watch them properly, they were crap', followed by the best one ever 'mind you, I always used to watch them with a stiffy!' Well, we howled and sprayed our drinks over the room. OH didn't comment, but I suspect it was the same for him too.
All in all a great evening, they are wonderful company, both with wicked sense of humour as I'm sure you have guessed from their blogs.
I have been down this morning and let their chooks out, and they have laid 2 eggs already - breakfast here I come.
So woman you are sitting there with OUR egg yolk dripping from your chin letting the whole world know that TS is a perv and I can't handle my liquor.
Why is it we'll miss you?
Sounds like a great evening. I have fond memories of TOTP too, I remember when I went into labour with my first child my husband wanted to know if I could hold on until after the show. I won't publish my comment.
Debra dear - I don't think Breezy is the only crazy one in this friendship....what a wonderful evening! You're lucky to have such good friends - and so close - plus their chickens!!
Hi Breezy, Sorry if I have upset you, but it was a great evening wasn't it?
Hi SITH, I always loved TOTP. Glam rock was the best for me.
Hi Aims. We are really lucky to have them so close. I think all good people have a bit of crazy in them.
Sounds like loads of fun. Tell Breezy that I've done the same thing with my food, but in a restaurant, spewing food all over everyone at my table and all over the floor. I think I looked just like her picture as I tried to slink out of the establishment. I like her already!!
Answering your question about alpaca--it's an extremely soft and dense wool fiber, softer by far than actual wool and very luxurious against the skin. I would say that cashmere is actually softer, as is angora bunny. Thanks for your comments on my blog. I enjoy reading yours.
Hi Wooly Works, my classic is to load my fork too full with food, then miss my mouth completely and have it allcribbing down the front of my top. I have thrown away loads of t-shirts because they have a grease mark dribble down the front!
The texture of the wool sounds wonderful. I love visiting your blog, I love seeing the alpacas and the things you make with the wool. :-)
Hi Wooly Works, my classic is to load my fork too full with food, then miss my mouth completely and have it allcribbing down the front of my top. I have thrown away loads of t-shirts because they have a grease mark dribble down the front!
The texture of the wool sounds wonderful. I love visiting your blog, I love seeing the alpacas and the things you make with the wool. :-)
Ah Debra it was an excellent evening and I'm not really upset
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