The food shopping wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I went to Carrefour mid afternoon and it was nearly empty, I couldn't believe it. There is nowhere near as much hype and decadence here as there is in the UK. Carrefour is a big super/hyper market and yes there was a huge amount of chocolate of every conceivable kind for sale, there was only a tiny section for perfumes and make-up gift sets, and a tiny section for party food. As it already stocks DVD's and jewellery, there was very little change to the shop.
Waiting at the till, there was only one person in front of me, and she only had a basket, so I was through in record time. Back in the UK the range of party foods, canapes and gifts sets of all kinds was staggering. I used to to physically drool going round the Waitrose chilled cabinets wishing I was having people round for drinks just so I would have an excuse to buy some delicious looking morsels. Then, waiting at the checkout I would feel dejected and let down, because everyone elses trolley looked a million times more exciting than mine!
Yesterday I felt none of that. It was wonderful. No more feeling unworthy that I couldn't afford delectable delicacies, no more feeling like billy no-mates cos I wasn't having a drinks party. I felt great. Even more so because we were having friends round the following night for drinks and nibbles, and I actually had the time to make loads of delectable delicacies of my very own, that is until ......
OH has got a stinker of a cold. Now, before I hear you cry 'Man Flu', and normally I would be the first to agree with you, this one is the real thing. I have never known him to stay in bed for 2 days before or to lie on the sofa in front of a roaring log fire with a sweatshirt and a blanket. Poor soul he is wiped out. It must be something going round our village as Breezy and TS have got the same thing, and the friends that were coming tonight, their daughter has it as well. So, tonight is cancelled, all my goodies will go in the freezer for a later day, and I will sit in front of the telly with Misty watching rubbish.
Colds are horrible - hate them! But do steer clear of him until the catching part is over with.....
Do you have two trees? I note that Misty is in a white one and a green one....
Watching rubbish can be good too! I know what you mean about wanting to buy everything. But I too feel ready (I'm sure there must be something I've forgotten that is going to come back and bite me) but until then am feeling fairly relaxed about it all. Just the alcohol shop to do (which could take a while!!)Hope OH is feeling better soon, keep the germs at bay and have a great Christmas.
Hi Aims, yes we have 2 trees. The green one is in the dining room and the white one is in the lounge. When we first moved to France we were in rented accomodation for our first xmas and OH bought me a fibre optic tree. He hated it I loved it. So 2years ago OH suggested having the white one. Normally I would never have had a white one (tacky), but against the stone walls all lit up it looks lovely. Then this year some clients gave me the green one, it is a gorgeously full tree and I though why not have both up, after all, it is christmas. HAve a great christmas aims. :-)
Hi S.I.T.H Having fun shopping for alchohol, treat yourself to something nice. Have a wonderful Christmas :-)
Colds and Flus always strike when you have something to look forward to. They are the adult equivalent of a zit on your nose just before a date.
No snogging now, or you'll catch it too!
Have a great Crimbo if we don't cross before.
Hi Stew, I have had those zits too often!!!
Have a brilliant christmas and all the best for the new year x
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